
CAS No: 56-81-5
Formula: C3H8O3
Molecular Weight: 92.09
Suppliers:All(0)China Suppliers(46)Products(63)
  • Description
  • Basic Info
  • Safety Info
  • MSDS
  • Price
  • Related Product
  • Supplier Reference
What is Glycerol

A colorless to brown colored liquid. Combustible but may require some effort to ignite. Residual sodium hydroxide (lye) causes crude material to be corrosive to metals and/or tissue.

Glycerol Basic Info
Chemical Name Glycerol
Synonyms Glycerine;Glyceol;ifp;Glycerin USP;GLYCEROL ANHYDROUS;Propanetriol;propan-1,2,3-triol;1,2,3-Propanetriol;Clycerol;Glycyl alcohol
CAS No. 56-81-5
Molecular Formula C3H8O3
Molecular Weight 92.09
PSA 60.69000
LogP -1.66810
Safely Info
RTECS MA8050000
Hazard Class -
Safety Statements 24/25-39-26
HS Code 29054500
WGK Germany 1
Packing Group -
RIDADR UN 1282 3/PG 2
Risk Statements 36-20/21/22-11
Hazard Codes F,Xn
Caution Statement P264-P305+P351+P338+P337+P313-P280i-P337+P313-P210-P261-P280-P305+P351+P338-P370+P378-P403+P235
Hazard Declaration H320-H225-H302+H312+H332-H315-H319
Symbol GHS02,GHS07
Signal Word Danger
Glycerol Price
Here is a rough price range for glycerol in the listed countries (prices are approximate and can vary based on purity, quantity, and market conditions):

1. **United States**: $0.50 - $1.50 per kg
2. **China**: $0.40 - $1.20 per kg
3. **Russia**: $0.60 - $1.50 per kg
4. **Germany**: $0.70 - $1.80 per kg
5. **India**: $0.30 - $1.00 per kg
6. **Japan**: $0.80 - $2.00 per kg
7. **Brazil**: $0.50 - $1.50 per kg
8. **South Korea**: $0.70 - $1.80 per kg
9. **Philippines**: $0.50 - $1.50 per kg
10. **United Kingdom**: $0.70 - $1.80 per kg
11. **France**: $0.70 - $1.80 per kg
12. **Mexico**: $0.50 - $1.50 per kg
13. **Canada**: $0.60 - $1.70 per kg
14. **South Africa**: $0.50 - $1.50 per kg
15. **Egypt**: $0.40 - $1.20 per kg
16. **Turkey**: $0.50 - $1.50 per kg
17. **Thailand**: $0.40 - $1.20 per kg
18. **Indonesia**: $0.40 - $1.20 per kg

*Note: Prices are subject to change based on market fluctuations, supplier, and product specifications.*

Section I.Chemical Product and Company Identification
    Chemical Name        Glycerol    
    [Matrix for FABMS and liquid SIMS]
    Portland OR
    Synonym        1,2,3-Propanetriol; Glycerin    
    Chemical Formula        HOCH2CH(OH)CH2OH    
    CAS Number        56-81-5    

Section II.        Composition and Information on Ingredients    
    Toxicology Data
    Chemical Name        CAS Number Percent (%)        TLV/PEL    
    Glycerol        ---------- Not available.        R/1aHt LC50 (inhalation) >570mg/m3    
    [Matrix for FABMS and liquid SIMS]
    Rat LD50 (oral) 12600mg/kg
    Rabbit LD50 (dermal) >10gm/kg

Section III. Hazards Identification
    Acute Health Effects        Irritating to eyes and skin on contact. Inhalation causes irritation of the lungs and respiratory system. Inflammation of the    
    eye is characterized by redness, watering, and itching. Skin inflammation is characterized by itching, scaling, reddening,
    or, occasionally, blistering. Follow safe industrial hygiene practices and always wear proper protective equipment when
    handling this compound.
    Chronic Health Effects        CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS : Not available.    
    MUTAGENIC EFFECTS : Not available.
    TERATOGENIC EFFECTS : Not available.
    DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Reproductive Effects:
    Rat TDLo (Intratesticular) 280 mg/kg, male 2 days prior to mating.
    Toxic Effects:
    Paternal Effects - Spermatogenesis.
    Paternal Effects - Testes, epididymis, sperm duct.
    Rat TDLo (oral) 100 mg/kg, male 1 day prior to mating.
    Toxic Effects:
    Effects on Fertility - Post-implantation mortality.
    Monkey TDLo (Intratesticular)119 mg/kg, male 1 day prior to mating.
    Toxic Effects:
    Paternal Effects - Spermatogenesis.
    Paternal Effects - Testes, epididymis, sperm duct.
    Repeated or prolonged exposure to this compound is not known to aggravate existing medical conditions.

Section IV.        First Aid Measures    
    Eye Contact
    Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15
    minutes. Get medical attention.
    Skin Contact        In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing    
    before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Get medical attention.
    Inhalation        If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or    
    waistband. If breathing is difficult, oxygen can be administered. Seek medical attention if respiration problems do not
    Ingestion        INDUCE VOMITING by sticking finger in throat. Lower the head so that the vomit will not reenter the mouth and throat.    
    Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth
    resuscitation. Examine the lips and mouth to ascertain whether the tissues are damaged, a possible indication that the
    toxic material was ingested; the absence of such signs, however, is not conclusive.
    Continued on Next Page
    [Matrix for FABMS and liquid SIMS]

Section V.        Fire and Explosion Data    
    Auto-Ignition        >200°C (392°F)    
    Flammability        May be combustible at high temperature.    
    Flash Points        Flammable Limits        LOWER: 0.9%    
    176°C (348.8°F).
    Combustion Products        These products are toxic carbon oxides (CO, CO 2).    
    Fire Hazards
    Not available.
    Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available.
    Explosion Hazards
    Risks of explosion of the product in presence of static discharge: Not available.
    Fire Fighting Media
    SMALL FIRE: Use DRY chemical powder.
    LARGE FIRE: Use water spray, fog or foam. DO NOT use water jet.
    and Instructions
    Consult with local fire authorities before attempting large scale fire-fighting operations.

Section VI.        Accidental Release Measures    
    Spill Cleanup
    Hygroscopic material. Irritating material. Store in freezer.
    If the product is in its solid form: Use a shovel to put the material into a convenient waste disposal container. If the
    product is in its liquid form: Absorb with an inert material and put the spilled material in an appropriate waste disposal.
    Finish cleaning the spill by rinsing any contaminated surfaces with copious amounts of water. Consult federal, state,
    and/or local authorities for assistance on disposal.

Section VII. Handling and Storage
    Handling and Storage        HYGROSCOPIC. IRRITANT. STORE IN FREEZER. Keep away from heat. Mechanical exhaust required. When not in    
    use, tightly seal the container and store in a dry, cool place. Avoid excessive heat and light. DO NOT ingest. Do not
    breathe gas/fumes/ vapor/spray. If ingested, seek medical advice immediately and show the container or the label. Treat
    symptomatically and supportively.
    Always store away from incompatible compounds such as oxidizing agents, alkalis (bases).

Section VIII. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
    Engineering Controls        Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations of vapors below their    
    respective threshold limit value. Ensure that eyewash station and safety shower is proximal to the work-station location.
    Personal Protection        Splash goggles. Lab coat. Vapor respirator. Boots. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a    
    specialist BEFORE handling this product. Be sure to use a MSHA/NIOSH approved respirator or equivalent. Gloves.
    Exposure Limits
    Not available.

Section IX. Physical and Chemical Properties
    Physical state @ 20°C        Liquid. (Syrupy Colorless, clear.)        Solubility    
    Miscible with water, alcohol.
    One part dissolves in 11 parts ethyl
    1.2613 (water=1)
    Specific Gravity        acetate, about 500 parts ethyl ether.    
    Insoluble in benzene, chloroform, carbon
    tetrachloride, carbon disulfide, petroleum
    ether, oils.
    Molecular Weight        92.09        Partition Coefficient        Not available.    
    Boiling Point
    290°C (554°F) (Dec.)        Vapor Pressure        <0.1 kPa (@ 20°C)    
    Melting Point        20°C (68°F)        Vapor Density        3.17 (Air = 1)    
    Refractive Index        1.4730 @ 25°C        Volatility        Not available.    
    Critical Temperature        Not available.        Odor        Not available.    
    Viscosity        Dynamic: 954 cP @ 25°C        Taste        Sweet.    

Section X.        Stability and Reactivity Data    
This material is stable if stored under proper conditions. (See Section VII for instructions)    
    Conditions of Instability        Avoid excessive heat and light.    
    Incompatibilities        Reactive with strong oxidizing agents, strong alkalis (bases).    
    Continued on Next Page
    [Matrix for FABMS and liquid SIMS]

Section XI.        Toxicological Information    
    RTECS Number        MA8050000    
    Routes of Exposure        Eye Contact. Ingestion. inhalation.    
    Rat LC50 (inhalation) >570mg/m3/1H
    Toxicity Data
    Rat LD50 (oral) 12600mg/kg
    Rabbit LD50 (dermal) >10gm/kg
    CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS : Not available.
    Chronic Toxic Effects
    MUTAGENIC EFFECTS : Not available.
    TERATOGENIC EFFECTS : Not available.
    DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Reproductive Effects:
    Rat TDLo (Intratesticular) 280 mg/kg, male 2 days prior to mating.
    Toxic Effects:
    Paternal Effects - Spermatogenesis.
    Paternal Effects - Testes, epididymis, sperm duct.
    Rat TDLo (oral) 100 mg/kg, male 1 day prior to mating.
    Toxic Effects:
    Effects on Fertility - Post-implantation mortality.
    Monkey TDLo (Intratesticular)119 mg/kg, male 1 day prior to mating.
    Toxic Effects:
    Paternal Effects - Spermatogenesis.
    Paternal Effects - Testes, epididymis, sperm duct.
    Repeated or prolonged exposure to this compound is not known to aggravate existing medical conditions.
    Acute Toxic Effects        Irritating to eyes and skin on contact. Inhalation causes irritation of the lungs and respiratory system. Inflammation of the    
    eye is characterized by redness, watering, and itching. Skin inflammation is characterized by itching, scaling, reddening,
    or, occasionally, blistering. Follow safe industrial hygiene practices and always wear proper protective equipment when
    handling this compound.

Section XII.        Ecological Information    
    Ecotoxicity        Not available.    
    Environmental Fate        Glycerin is produced in large quantities synthetically and used in thousands of applications. It may be released to the    
    environment in industrial effluent and during the use and disposal of the numerous products in which it is contained. If
    released to soil, glycerin is expected to undergo rapid biodegradation under aerobic conditions. It is expected to display
    very high mobility in soil and it is not expected to significantly volatilize to the atmosphere. If released to water, glycerin is
    expected to rapidly degrade under aerobic conditions. Biodegradation in seawater and under anaerobic conditions is also
    expected. Glycerin is not expected to bioconcentrate is fish and aquatic organisms nor is it expected to adsorb to
    sediment and suspended organic matter. Volatilization to the atmosphere is expected to be slower then for water itself. If
    released to the atmosphere, glycerin may undergo a gas-phase oxidation with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals
    with a half-life of 33 hrs. It may also undergo atmospheric removal by wet deposition processes. Occupational exposure to
    glycerin may occur by dermal contact during its production and use. Exposure to the general population may occur by
    dermal contact or ingestion due to the wide variety of food and personal care products in which it is contained.

Section XIII. Disposal Considerations
    Waste Disposal        Recycle to process, if possible. Consult your local regional authorities. You may be able to dissolve or mix material with a    
    combustible solvent and burn in a chemical incinerator equipped with an afterburner and scrubber system. Observe all
    federal, state and local regulations when disposing of the substance.

Section XIV. Transport Information
    DOT Classification        Not a DOT controlled material (United States).    
    PIN Number        Not applicable.    
    Proper Shipping Name        Not applicable.    
    Packing Group (PG)
    Not applicable.
    DOT Pictograms

Section XV. Other Regulatory Information and Pictograms
    TSCA Chemical Inventory (EPA) This compound is ON the EPA Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory list.
    WHMIS Classification (Canada) Not available.
    EINECS Number (EEC)
    EEC Risk Statements
    R36/37/38- Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.
    Japanese Regulatory Data        Not available.    
    Continued on Next Page

SDS 1.0
>Glycerol Suppliers
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TRN Trader LLC

United States
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Guangzhou Wanjingfeng Trade Co., Ltd.

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Shandong Airuike Chemical Co., Ltd.

China Shandong Qingdao
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Hangzhou KieRay Chem Co.

China Zhejiang Hangzhou
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China Tianjin Districts
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JP Dyechem Pvt. Ltd

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Coyne Chemical Co.

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Charity Chemicals Inc

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China Skyrun Industrial Co,,ltd

China Zhejiang Hangzhou
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Shandong zhishang chemical Co.,Ltd

China Shandong Jinan
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